Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Why I Should Win Nintendo World Championships

This is a question I have been debating about for quite some time, and I believe I have finally decided upon a legitimate answer. I have been collecting NES games and related paraphernalia for just about ten years now and have amassed quite a formidable collection in that time. I have some of the rarest games in the NES library and a number of one of a kind pieces of memorabelia that would make other collectors jealous, but this is not why I should win. The fact that I have these items is not what's most important to me, but the way I went about acquiring them is. I have never had a large amount of money to be able to spend on this hobby that I love, so I have had to actually work hard and put a great deal of effort into obtaining what I do have rather than just paying whatever the going rate is like a majority of collectors. I've patiently waited until an item has appeared under the radar on ebay, I've scoured local flea markets and garage sales in order to try and find that hidden gem lurking within, I've tracked particular items straight to their source rather than pay a price mandated by a combination of authoratative collectors and ebay. In some cases, the story of how I've managed to acquire an item is actually worth more to me than the item iteslf. I take great pride in being able to relate stories of how I managed to snag a certain game or a particular item with my friends and family. Each item in my collection is unique in this way...this contest actually opened my eyes to this notion, and what better way to have an authentic Nintendo World Championship cartridge in my possession than than to be able to win it through a rare game giveaway such as this?